Excellent...Some Mr Burns Quotes

When pleased or happy in any way, Mr Burns utters his now-famous catchphrase, “Excellent” (pronounced “Eeeeeexcellent..!”). Here are some of my favourite Mr Burns quotes:

Smithers: Wow, somebody’s really gobbling up the juice, sir!
Mr Burns: Excellent! Perhaps this energy conservation fad is as dead as the dodo!

Mr Burns: Why is that man wearing pink? Smithers, who is that?
Smithers: Homer Simpson, one of your boobs from sector 7-G.
Mr Burns: Simpson, eh? Judging from his attire, he must be some kind of free-thinking anarchist.
Smithers: I’ll alert security, sir.
Mr Burns: Excellent! These color monitors are paying for themselves!

Lisa: It could be a mutant from the power plant.
Mr Burns: That's preposterous, everyone knows our mutants have flippers…oops, I've said too much. Smithers, get the amnesia ray.
Smithers: You mean the revolver, sir?
Mr Burns: Yes, and be sure to wipe your mind clear when you're done as well.

Mr Burns: Now, to the Plant! We'll take the Spruce Moose! Hop in!
Smithers: But Sir!
Mr Burns: [cocks shotgun] I said hop in.

Mr Burns: Now, let's get down to business.
Homer: [thinking] Ohh man, I have to go to the bathroom. Why did I have all that beer and coffee and watermelon?
Mr Burns: Now Homer, I know what you're thinking, and I want to take the pressure off. It doesn't take a "whiz" to know that you're looking out for "Number One". Well, listen to me and you'll make a big splash very soon.